The publication "Iranian Journal of Rangelands and Forests Plant Breeding and Genetic Research " examines the latest findings and results of research conducted with modern scientific methods on Rangeland and forest plants in the form of scientific articles(see scope). It should be noted that Iranian Journal of Rangelands and Forests Plant Breeding and Genetic Research complies with the rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). thus, suggested to check their text in plagiarism investigation databases (Samim Noor and Hamanandjoo) before submitting the manuscript. 


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since 2024, this publication has a memorandum of cooperation with the Iranian Genetics Association

Licensee: Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands (RIFR) 

Publication date: Semiannual

Type of articles: research article - review article

Type of refereeing: Double Blind Peer Review

publication fee: Free

Publication type (Access to PDF): Open Access

Average arbitration time: three weeks

Acceptance rate: 52%

Current Issue: Volume 32, Issue 1 - Serial Number 63, September 2024, Pages 1-151 

The investigation of cold resistance in different populations of Narcissus tazetta

Pages 74-96

mohammad zabet; Forogh Najafi; Zohreh Alizadeh; Masoud Khazaei

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