Micropropagation of mature Juglans regta by tissue culture


Research Institttte of Forests and Rangelands Genetic and Physioktg Dept. P.O. Box: 13185-116. Tehran. Irnn


In order to investigate walnut (julgans regia), shoot tips and axillary buds of elite adult trees were collected from natural stands and used as explants.
Suitable method of sterilization was found. Sterilized explants cultured on media with different concentration at different growth regulators. DKW medium containing BA= 1mg/lit was the best medium for shoot proliferation. GA3, promoted lateral bud growth and shoot proliferation. MS and DKW medium containing 0.25 mg/lit GA3 and 0.5 mg/lit BA, were the best composition for shoot proliferation.
Shoots cultured on hormone free DKW medium before rooting treatments, were longer and more vigorous. There was no rooted shoot although many different treatments like decreasing macro elements and sucrose concentrates, using of activated charcole and adding different vitamins and amino acids to the medium have been investigated.