Evaluating the stability of forage yield in cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) populations under dryland farming using non-parametric statistics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran

2 Member of the academic staff of the Institute of Forestry and Pasture Research

3 Department of Forests and Rangelands, Kermanshah Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center , Kermanshah, I.R.Iran



Background and objectives:
Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) belongs to the Gramineae family, Pooideae subfamily, and Cyperales order. Nowadays, this plant is cultivated as a fodder crop to create natural pastures and rangeland restoration programs. This plant is cultivated as pure stands or mix-cropping with other grasses or legumes. Stability analysis of genotypes in different environmental conditions to introduce superior genotypes is one of the main goals of plant breeding programs. Considering the variation of climate conditions in different regions of Iran, studying and understanding the interaction between genotype and environment is vital. Various stability analyses, such as parametric and non-parametric methods, have been proposed to study the genotype x environment interactions. Stability analysis using non-parametric methods is much simpler than parametric methods; it reduces the deviation from outlier data and does not require normal data assumptions. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the stability of forage dry matter yield of 36 cocksfoot populations in different climatic conditions in the west and northwest of Iran using non-parametric methods. 
The seeds of 36 populations of cocksfoot were sown in the field using a randomized complete block design with three replications in Kermanshah, Hamadan, Zanjan, and Ardabil provinces, Iran, in 2011.  Data on forage dry matter yields were collected over two years. The genetic diversity of populations was investigated by combined analysis of variance, and mean comparison was made using Duncan's method. After ensuring the significance of the genotype ×environment interaction effect, the stability analysis was made for forage dry matter yield using different non-parametric methods such as (Ketata et al., 1989; Huehn, 1979; Thennarasu, 1995; Kang, 1988; Fox et al., 1990). Non-parametric statistics were calculated using Excel 2010 software. The cluster analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and biplot diagrams were made using Minitab 16.
The combined analysis of variance analysis between four locations over two years showed a significant effect of genotypes, environment and genotype × environment interaction effect (p<0.01). A mean comparison between genotypes was done using Duncan's method, which placed them in different groups. Different non-parametric methods introduced different genotypes as stable genotypes. A comparison of the results of five non-parametric methods for determining the stability analysis of genotypes for dry matter yield showed that the two methods of Huehn and Thennarasu were consistent with each other in identifying stable genotypes with average yield. On the other hand, the Kang, Ketata and Fox methods were highly correlated with dry matter yield and introduced the stable genotypes having higher forage production. 
Based on five non-parametric methods and according to forage dry matter yield, the genotypes G14 (USA), G15 (Karaj), G29 (Urumia), G35 (Gene Bank), G20 (Malayar), and G24 (Russia) were identified as the best genotypes. Therefore, they can be introduced as selected genotypes for cultivation in similar areas, or they can be used as cocksfoot germplasm for breeding programs. Among the five non-parametric stability analysis methods, the Ketata method covered most of the stable genotypes coupled with high dry fodder yield, so using this method in investigating the stability of cocksfoot and similar plants is more appropriate.


Main Subjects

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