Investigating the agro-morphological traits variation of wild Einkorn wheat ancestors collected from the western rangelands of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Agriculture and Natural Resources Campus, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, Plant Production and Genetics Department, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Plant Production and Genetics Department, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.



Background and objectives:
Wild wheat species are rich sources of valuable genes, including resistance to various stresses such as drought and salt stress. Wild species influence livestock feeding by producing green fodder, preventing soil erosion and sustaining pasture production. In recent years, due to the conversion of pastures into rain-fed lands and excessive animal grazing, the amount of these valuable reserves has decreased, and considering their importance, genetic preservation and its scientific and correct application have contributed significantly to the restoration of pastures and increased fodder production. This study was conducted to investigate the diversity of Einkorn wheat in the western rangelands of Iran as the center of origin and diversity of wheat ancestors for use in breeding programs and fodder production.
Materials and methods:
In order to investigate the phenotypic diversity of einkorn wheat in terms of agromorphological characteristics, 93 einkorn genotypes from 16 populations were collected from Kermanshah, Ilam and Kurdistan provinces, along with four varieties of bread wheat and three varieties of durum wheat using an alpha lattice design in two replications over two cropping years using the Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (BLUP).
The studied traits include kernel yield, biological yield, number of spikes per m2, spike weight, a thousand seed weight, spike length, peduncle length, number of seeds per spike, spike length and plant height. All multivariate analyses were performed using BLUPs.
The results of the combined analysis of variance showed significant differences among genotypes in terms of all the measured traits. The broad sense heritability was high in the studied traits (except spike length and number of seeds per spike). The study of genetic correlation between traits showed a positive and significant correlation between kernel yield and biological yield, spike weight, spike length and the number of seeds per spike. Number of seeds per spike had high heritability in both years. The highest genetic coefficient of variation was observed in the number of seeds per spike and the lowest in the thousand kernel weight. Cluster analysis using agromorphological data placed the genotypes in six groups, which did not agree with the genotypes' geographical origin. However, bread and durum wheat were placed in separate groups. Among the Einkorn wheat samples, the genotypes in group 4 had the highest biological yield, spike number, spike weight, plant height, peduncle length and grain yield. The principal component analysis (PCA) results showed that the first three components explained 85.47% of the total variation. Bi-plot analysis groped einkorn genotypes in three groups. Three bread wheat varieties (Karim, Kohdasht, and Urum) were placed in the fourth group and three durum wheat varieties (Behrang, Shebarang, and Dehdasht) and one bread wheat variety (Azar-2) in the fifth group. The results of grouping by bi-plot of PCA were consistent with the results of cluster analysis.
The results indicated a high diversity of einkorn genotypes for agro-morphological traits. The high broad sense heritability in the studied traits (except spike length and the number of seeds per spike) indicated that phenotypic selection for these traits could be the most crucial breeding strategy in Eincorn wheat. The results of means comparison for most of the examined traits showed the superiority of bread and durum wheat cultivars. Regarding most of the traits, the genotypes collected from Kamiyaran-Sanandaj were superior, and genotype number 29, with the same origin, showed favorable agro-morphological traits, which were recommended for use in wheat breeding programs.


Main Subjects

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