Caryotypic analysis of Trigonella Genus of Fars Province


1 Fars Research Center for Natural Resources and animal Husbandry

2 Dept. of Biology, Urmia University


Trigonella genus of Papilionaceae family according to Flora of  Iranica has 32 species in Iran. It is a medicinal, range and cultivated plant with many uses in the traditional medicine and as a forage crop.
In this study eight species of Trigonella were collected and identified from Fars Province. Results showed that T. elliptica was found to be perennial and T. foenum-graecum, T. spruneriana, T. monspeliaca, T. uncata, T. anguina, T. stellata and T. astroites were annual. All of them were diploid with 2n=2x=16. Genomic analysis including, the length of each chromosome, long and short arm ratio  ect. determined and their ideograms drew.This study showed that all of the species have the metacentria and submetacentric chromosomes and T. foenum-graecum with 26.28 micrometer and T. stellata with 13.52 micrometer total length of chromosome have the longest and the shortest genetic material respectively.
To find the relationship between the species, chromosome characteritics were analysed using SPSS software and group relationship was shown on a dendrogram.
