Karyotypic variation in different Bromus speceis


Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran, P.O.Box: 13185-116


Bromus is one of the most important genus in the rangelands of which several species have covered a vast areas of our country.  Different species of the genus  have not been paid enough attention for genetic and cytogenetic variation whereas, information on karyotypic characteristics and ploidy levels are of primary requirements of breeding projects of each plant species. For these reasons in the current study several species of Bromus were studied for karyotypic characteristics by studying metaphase chromosomes in mitotic meristem cells. In order to prepare mitotic cells, fresh grown root tip meristems of germinated seeds were used. Bromonaphtaline, Farmer fixative and Hematoxiline were used for pretreatment, fixation and staining, respectively. Six species of the genus  were studied in this research.
Different ploidy levels were observed between the different populations and species, which were mainly a multiplication of seven. This variation in ploidy level particularly  within the species could cause  morphological variation and resultantly better stability of the species. It could also provide the suitable opportunity for  utilizing  the variation in breeding and developing Bromus cultivars in the country. In the future studies the populations have to be studied for karyotype asymmetry to find relationship between the populations in order to use their potentials in breeding projects. 
