Seed storage electrophoresis for investigating existing variation between alfalfa (Medicngo sativa) Caltivars


1 Scientific Board Member of Natural Resources Research Center of Kerman Province

2 Scientific Board Member of Research Instirute of Forests and Rangelands


In order to investigate genetic variation between existing cultivars and populations of alfalfa (Medicago sativa), twelve accessions were randomly selected from Natural Resources Gene Bank, and several studies were carried out on them. Seed storage protein electrophoresis was performed on the accessions using SDS-PAGE technique.
Based on the results of this study, the protein bands were fairly similar. However, there was a remarkable difference between the accessions based on the two distinct bands.
Cluster analysis was also performed on the cultivars and accessions. The accessions with a distinct different band in electrophoresis gel located in a common group in cluster analysis. Over ally, classification based on cluster analysis showed a similar trend to the electrophoresis gel.
