Micropropagation of Ferula assa-foetida L.

Document Type : Research Paper



The present study optimized micropropagation protocol for Ferula assa- foetida L. The effect of cytokinins (BAP, 2ip and Kinetin), auxins (IBA, NAA and Picloram) and hormones combination was assayed in different concentrations (0 - 2.5 mg/l) on MS medium. Results showed that BAP, promoted the highest shoot elongation and shoot numbers. Concentration of 1 mg/l BAP enhanced three shoots per explants and compared to control and 66 percent shooting was increased. Effect of 1.5 mg/l BAP produced the highest shoot. MS media containing 1mg/l BAP and the 0.01 mg/l of IBA was the best treatment to micropropagate ferula and tuber production. Hormone combination enhanced 3.96 cm plant height, compared with control (2.28 cm) at the rate of 57.6 percent increase. Number of lateral shoots with an average of 3 per explants grew three fold higher than control. The study proved that root like tuber in compared to long roots had higher ability to shoot production. Endogenous auxin in ferula is the most important reason for the existence of root elongation in vivo and in vitro.


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