Study of genetic variation of agronomic characteristics in Foeniculum vulgare Mill. genotypes

Document Type : Research Paper



In order to evaluate genetic variation and relationship among characteristics of 12 genotypes of Foeniculum vulgare, an experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with 3 replications at Fozveh station, Isfahan, Iran. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among the genotypes for the studied traits. Broad- sense heritability was middle to high (48-99%) for all of the traits except number of umbel and flower in umbel. Correlation coefficients showed that seed yield had a positive correlation with days to ripening, number of umblet and essential oil percentage. Using principal components analysis, the first four components determined 85% of the total variation. Number of branches and sterile flowers, seed yield (kg/ha), days to 50% and 100% flowering, days to ripening and height at 50% flowering date were the most important traits in the first component. Height at 100% flowering date, dry weight/fresh weight ratio, essential oil and ash percentage in the second component, number of umblet and number of flower in umblet in the third component and number of branches in the forth component were important. Genotypes were classified into 3 groups with distinct variations for seed yield, essential oil percentage, day to ripening and plant height. Thus, crossing plants from genetically diverse genotypes may result in superior cultivar development.
